Moslem Schools [Report Text by Siti Marina Mutiara Amti Ali (XI IPS)]
A learning activity is held in Masjid can be found in Moslem School |
School is a place to whoever want got sciences. Begin from kindergarten until University. School can be two groups: general school and moslem school.
General school is a school who receive students with any religions. This school too more emphasize sciences general and moslem science just one time a week. Although this school mixed between one religion with other religions but will effort to help.
And moslem School is a special school for students who moslem religion. There students not just studying about sciences general but too about science moslem religion. Islam school obliged all society has school to moslem clothed. It has a mosque. Cause every students teached to always prayer.
Batakte, Tuesday 20th October 2022
Report text written by Siti Marina Mutiara Amti Ali, a Senior High School Student of MA Hidayatullah Batakte
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