Comparison of Viva La Vida and Ozymandias
Have you read about what Ozymandias and Viva La Vida is?
Let's now compare the lyrics of both the poem and the song.
In the poem, the speaker is the poet himself/herself. The speaker in the poem states that he met “a traveller from an antique land” and the traveller told the speaker all about ozymandias. It means that the speaker is a casual observer in this poem. Both of the speakers in poem and song refer himself/herself as the first person, because both in poem and song used the word “I” as a subject. While the speaker of the song is the song writer. The speaker of the song states that “I used to rule the world” which means that the speaker is an omniscient narrator.
In the poem, the speaker is the poet himself/herself. The speaker in the poem states that he met “a traveller from an antique land” and the traveller told the speaker all about ozymandias. It means that the speaker is a casual observer in this poem. Both of the speakers in poem and song refer himself/herself as the first person, because both in poem and song used the word “I” as a subject. While the speaker of the song is the song writer. The speaker of the song states that “I used to rule the world” which means that the speaker is an omniscient narrator.
The poem and the
song lyric has an ironic tone, as it is said in line 12 in the poem: “Nothing beside
remains. Round the decay.” While in song lyric it is said in some lyric parts:
“Now in the morning I sleep alone”, “Sweep the streets I used to own” The diction in this
poem influences understanding of the poem, this poem used some difficult words
so it is hard to understand the meaning of the poem if we read it once. While the song
lyric used simple words, it helps the listeners to understand its meaning
easier than poem’s meaning. The tone of the poem and
song lyric is consistent from the beginning until the ending.
The conflict of the
poem is happened when the speaker states that the king of the
kings is not a king anymore. While in the song
lyric, the conflict happened when the speaker realized that she/he is not a
king anymore and she/he has no power to rule the world anymore. In poem, it is said in line
12: “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay”, it has meaning that the king’s power has ended. The poem and song
lyric has an external conflict itself. In the poem, Shelley as the writer, wrote the poem to
criticize the king at that time in England and it was effectively ruled by
Prince Regent, George IV from 1811 (Anglaise, 2016). While the song
lyric was written to remind people about French Revolution,
especially about Louis XVI and the “sound of drums” alludes to his approach to
the guillotine (Jonakin, 2008).
Talking about the
content, the poem was written in 1818 along with the rule period of George IV.
As it is said before, the poem was written to criticize the king at that time.
Besides, in 1817 Shelley and his friend decided to join sonnet competition. For
the subject of his poem, Shelley and his friend used a statue of Ramses II
(Ozymandias) which can describe the content of the poem. After read the history
of the poem, it does not change my understanding about its theme. The poem is
consistent between the use of language and the era where the poem was made. While the song was released
in 2008. Martin wrote the lyric to remind people about the reign of Louis XVI
with the guillotine and the revolutionaries. After read the history of the
song, it does not change my understanding about the song’s theme. The song
lyric is consistent and the use of diction adjust with that era.
This poet
follows a formal poetic structure. The structure of this poem is Sonnet, which
has 14 lines. This poem is neither Petrarchan nor Shakespearean sonnet because
the rhyme is not exactly the same as Petrarchan nor Shakespearean. This poet
has abab / acdc / ed / efef. At
first, the rhyme is exactly like Shakespearean, but then it get quite like
Petrarchan. The end rhyme is exactly different than both of Petrarchan and
Shakespearean. This poem does not have a clear stanza, it is just one and has
14 lines with lots of punctuation in it. Compared to the song, this song has 4-lines stanza. This song
has Feminine rhyme, a rhyme with two syllables. This rhyme makes the song
catchier. This song has verses and choruses, 2 verses and 3 choruses.
The next topic, we
are going to compare is the visual, metaphor and symbol appeared in both poem
and song. In the third stanza of the song which is Next the walls were closed on me,........ my castles
stand, Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand, the reader will imagine the
situation by visualizing those word. Juxtaposed with the poem, in the fourth
line “on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered
visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,” can also be
visualized by the reader since it shows the condition of the traveler who is
found in the desert. Although if we analyze this poem further, the meaning will
not be same as our visualization. The metaphor appeared in the poem is shown in
the eight line, “the heart that fed” as we know that the heart will not ever
feed something and “The hand
that mocked them” means the sculptor who mock at the king. In the chorus
part of the song, “Be my
mirror my sword and shield” has two meanings because mirror in this song means the reflection of the king’s
face, while sword means authority and power, and shield means the protection. Those words are the
metaphors used to describe the tale of Rinaldo and the Crusaders. The poem also
represents the appearance of the king, which is frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold
command and represents the anger of the king.
The poet puts three main points that ease the reader to catch the
meaning behind this poem. The first most obvious diction in this poem is the
title itself, Ozymandias. When reading the poem, the reader can easily know
that it is about greatness, grandeur, and majesty. Thus, Ozymandias is the
right choice to describe them all because he is known as the great king from
Egypt who exactly has greatness, grandeur, and majesty. Then, it is explained
more by the supporting sentences telling that the passion of Ozymandias
depicted well even in the broken statue, he is king of kings, he is the Mighty,
The second big hint is the last line of the poem. The lone and level
sands stretch far away, this line signals that eventually the ruined statue
is left alone in the dessert. It helps the reader to understand that the poem
actually talks about fleeting life. This word choices clearly tells that
ultimately everything will be left and forgotten even though it used to be
praised and exalted before.
The third one is the use of word “traveller”. It is actually in the beginning of the poem,
but it will be hard to find out its role before reading the whole poem closely.
Traveller can be someone who is really travelling or can be connotative
meaning. Nevertheless, the traveller in this poem is not described specifically
as a person. Thus, looking at the context, the word “traveller” can be
interpreted as the fact and/or the poet experience witnessing this kind of
fleeting life.
Compared to the diction of the song, the writer chose
several meaningful words. The first one is Viva La Vida which has meaning Live the Life, from the title we already
know that this song tell us about how life is going. And the second one
is missionaries which means people who spread the religion
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