Code Switching & Code Mixing by Indonesian English Language Students
Code Switching & Code Mixing:
Style of language use by Bilingualism
and Multilingualism English language Students
Department in Indonesia
Ummu Imroatus Sholihah, Oktober 2017
is an important thing in life to express our thoughts. People have different
style of communication according the aims they want to get in producing the
language or the background dialect that one has. Mostly, people speak with a
certain language or dialect of their mother-tongue. As one knows more about
another languages, the use of language and dialects is never constant. Most
people tend to change the language and or the dialect when they speak according
to the moment they are at. This is when it is called with code switching and or
code mixing.
(2006) writes code mixing as the embedding of various linguistic units such as
affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from
a co-operative activity where the Participants, in order to infer what is
intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand. While code switching According to Sobahle
(1988), switching defines as follows:
Hymes (1977) defines it as a change from one
language variety to another when the situation demands. Gumperz refers to it as
a change in languages within a single speech event (Gumperz, 1976). McClure
says it is the alternation of language at the level of the major constituent
boundaries….. (p.5)
I chose
this terms because I am interested in why and how people do code-switching. As
far as I read, people do code-switching because of some
languages have words that are not available in the others and that makes those
languages better for expressing certain idea, we match the language of the
listeners’, showing that you and the listener share an identity makes the
conversation more pleasant and more effective, to reach a goal, to say
something in secret, the slip of tongue out of realization. But then how about
the phenomenon that sometimes happened as “An English department student does a
code-switching word from Bahasa Indonesia to English in talking to a friends,
also some students are even use three codes in communication. Of course it is
because translation is not that easy and we tend to use the easier
accessibility of a word lexicon in the other language motivates us to use it.
But is there another reason? Is it a strength or weakness in doing code
switching or code mixing?
It has
been my big curiosity of how and why people mix language in communicate. I even
took notes of sentences that some my friends who are coming from Javanese
culture background, taking concentration on English language and now living in
Sundanese culture, are often produce according to their bilingualism background
and here are what I found.

those sentences above, we can see that when doing code mixing or code
switching, they tend to use Bahasa Indonesia’s vocabularies since I, as their
interlocutor come from a different culture background.
After I
spread some questionnaire form to 36 respondents, I found that 66.7 % of them
think code switching & code mixing as strength of someone. Because it shows
that someone is fluent of using more than one language, also we use another
language to express what cannot be exactly expressed in one language, and using
more than one language somehow looks cool. Thus, I found that many of them are
often do code mixing and code switching. About 61.1 % do it on their mother
tongue and second language, and 55.6 % often switch and mix with English as the
foreign language they take concentration on. Even 8.3 % of the correspondents
state that they always mix with English when they communicate.
From the
data collected, I also found that 86.1 % of them did code switching and code
mixing since they couldn’t find the right translate of some words/phrases of
one language into another language. Another reasons of doing code switching and
code mixing are because they were in these situations below:
They feel comfortable of the
lexical sound of one language’s words.
To match the knowledge of the
person whom they were talking to.
Being emphatic about
something (express solidarity): Sorry
Talking about particular
topic: Hang out yuk
Interjection: jangan gitu
dong, bro!
Repetition used for
Expressing group identity:
Mana Tupperware ku?
To soften or strengthen
request or command: Ih, aku di kick. Let’s do it gaes..
To be sound trendy.
Below is the result I got from a the questionnaire;
showing the six result of why the students do code-switching and code-mixing.
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